@VirgilAbloh "Everything In Quotes" 🚧

Been inspired by Virgil Abloh for a while now, ever since the early version of the Pyrex Vision tumblr which offered an insight into the fly life that I wanted to live. From traveling, to clothing to cars, to women, music, concerts to just fly creative shit in general! Him along with Don C & Kanye were some of the people that inspired me to start my blog back in 2009. It was different back then you really had to live the life you were talking about, really had to do your research on everything to be valid, couldn't claim something you didn't know about. Everyone was rising to the creative peak and Pyrex Vision was the pinnacle of that! Fast forward to yesterday I had an opportunity to finally link with the creative and wow I left inspired to say the least! Virgil still has the fashion game on lock, but it doesn't stop there he's expanding to furniture and buildings as well, shit is all the way lit! The lecture was for Columbia University architect students but I feel like we're building something special here so I consider us architects in way. But what resonated with me the most was the spirit of being non traditional and disruptive the way Off White clashes two worlds that don't necessarily mix but co-exist. Thats the whole mission of MasterClassNYC be the bridge between cultures! I left with the key of put meaning behind everything to you do, whatever you say, it what it is! Also as a creative you have to continue to learn & remain inspired! See The Full Lecture Below! A lot Of KEYS!!

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  1. Off White is the best clothing brand right now. Virgil Abloh is a genius.


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